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Peanuts and Monkeys by Downunda Pools

Paying too little

Most people seeking a pool builder look for the lowest bid and expect the best quality. This is the second definition of insanity, as the two are a contradiction.
REMEMBER, the guy working in the stifling humidity on your dream pool is not invested in your project like you, and hopefully your contractor is. Paying too little does not confirm someone is overseeing them on a regular basis. The moral to this story is "if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys"

Before Making a decision; Consider

1) How can a contractor build this swimming pool construction project for so little?
2) what short cuts is he going to take?
3) Is the company looking for your pool so he can pay for the last two that he built?

Low swimming pool construction bids should raise "red flags"; heres why

1) many low bidding contractors will study bid documents looking specifically for oversights and inconsistencies. If these are not brought to your attention before a contract is signed, they will result in the owner receiving bills unforeseen contingencies. (Electrical re-routs, sewer re-rout etc.) These ultimately will nullify the low bid.

2) Low bidding contractors often look to cut corners in any way they can. A good architect will catch some of these trims; but many will slip through and not become apparent until the low bid contractor has been paid and is long gone. This results in you paying for corrections after-the-fact, which inevitably ends up being more costly.

3) Low bidding contractors are often working for little or no profit. This means that if they suffer even a small financial setback on any of their projects they may go under, leaving you with an unfinished project and/or major setbacks in completion dates. This can also mean that if the low bidding contractor is awarded a more profitable job while executing a break-even one, his attention will naturally shift to the source of greater profit.

4) More often than not, low bidding contractors do not have sufficient funds set aside to hire a supervisor to manage the project. Left to their own devices the project can become a parade of unsupervised subcontractors who take the path of least resistance.

On the other hand, a higher bid from a premium contractor results in:

1) High quality construction and service. Generally a premium contractor will take on fewer projects enabling him to deliver higher levels of supervision, quality, and craftsmanship.
2) A premium contractor usually has a higher level of construction skills and is more readily available for his clients. This equates to a smoother running project with less hassles and a finer finished product.

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