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Heating Your Pool for Winter by Downunda Pools

No one likes to swim in a cold pool, and you don’t have to when pool heaters exist. Although Houston isn’t nearly as cold as other places in the country, pool heaters are a must have during the cooler season to enjoy year-round access to your pool. Once thought of as a luxury, heating your pool for winter and the holiday season is becoming a must do for pool owners and a must have for soon to be pool owners.

Pool Heater Types

Gas Heaters

Gas Heaters essentially are a compact version of your home hot water heater but are optimized for higher water volumes. These heaters are fired by either propane or natural gas. The selection is determined by your location and proximity to city gas. Most pool owners prefer the clean instalation of a natural gas line when compared to a large propane tank located at the side of your home.

Electric Heaters

Electric Heaters are a popular choice if you lack a natural gas line or want to skip the hassle of keeping propane on hand. Also called tankless pool heaters, the other advantage of these units is their space-saving design—making them good for large or small pools.
NOTE: An electric heater will NOT heat your spa in 20 mins like a 400K BTU gas heater will. An electreic heater will not heat the same way a gas heater does.

Heat Pumps

Pool heat pumps are becoming increasingly popular as an efficient way to heat swimming pools. They
use electricity to transfer heat from one place to another, allowing you to keep your pool at a comfortable temperature without wasting energy. Heat pumps can also be used in combination with other heating systems, such as solar collectors, making them even more efficient. With a pool heat pump, you can rest assured that your swimming pool is always at the perfect temperature for swimming and enjoying!
NOTE: A heat pump will NOT heat your spa in 20 mins like a 400K BTU gas heater will. A heat pump is not the same as a spa heater.

How long Does It Take?

One of the most frequently asked questions we hear from pool owners is, “How long does it take to heat a pool?” This is an important question because it helps pool owners determine what size pool heater they need to purchase for their pool and how long in advance they need to start their heater so that it is warm enough to swim.
Heat pumps and heaters are sized using a BTU per hour measurement. (British Thermal Unit).
One BTU raises one pound of water by 1-degree F.
One gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds. 
So, 8.34 BTUs raise one gallon of water by 1-degree F.

FORMULA:  Determine the time required to increase water temperature by 1-degree F.
Calculate total gallons in pool multiplied by 8.34 = ___________ lbs. of water.
______ pounds of water divided by BTU Size = The hours it takes to raise the water temperature by 1-degree F.

How Much Does It Cost To Heat My Pool

Pool heating costs will vary dependent on factors such as, pool size, heater size and type, ambient air temperature and thermal covers are just a few of the factors that will affect pool heating cost.

What If I Don’t Have A Pool Heater

Installing a pool heater at the time of construction clearly is the best option. However, if you decide to remodel your pool and want to add a heater to an existing pool, the good news is “You Can”.

Call for more information 281 236 4344 or request a quote

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